All-in-one NEMT Platform – Scheduling, Dispatching & Billing Software

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Are you looking for scheduling and dispatching software? NEMT Platform has made life easier. Instead of waiting for local transportation, get yourself all-in-one non-emergency Medical Transportation in just one click. Discover the multiple benefits of this platform and get the best medical services.

Non-emergency Medical Transportation (NEMT SOFTWARE)

NEMT has helped a lot of patients get their medical services done. Before that, it was hard for patients to travel. Patients who were disabled had low incomes or were severely injured.  Back then, you always had to wait for local transportation to the hospital. Also, These transportation lacked medical services. For example, patients cannot get an oxygen mask while traveling. Surprisingly, the NEMT platform has made transportation easy for patients. However, they can not only help you travel. Also, they can get your appointments booked in just one click.

You must be thinking, who can use NEMT services? NEMT Software is used by individuals who are elderly, have low income, and are disabled. Also, patients who do not have a vehicle or a driver’s license are eligible to get NEMT services. Before NEMT, it was hard to book a medical appointment. But now,  it is easy as it helps schedule an appointment for you. Let us discover the features of NEMT software.

Easy Appointment Booking

Scheduling appointments is tough because the patient has to check which doctor is available. Usually, it is not easy to find a medical service when needed. They had to wait for a longer period. To overcome this problem, NEMT helps its patients by scheduling their appointments. They have their medical records, which help them analyze patient’s condition. With the help of that, they book their appointments. Also, they reschedule the appointment when needed. After rescheduling the appointment, they informed the patient. This helps the patient to know the upcoming trip. 

Reminder For The Next Trip

Nemt schedules appointments because they have to assess patients’ medical records. However, they analyze the condition and book appointments. However, when they book the appointment, they send a reminder. Then, this reminder helps the patients to know about their upcoming trip. Therefore, this allows them to modify the trip if needed. Also, the patient can check if there is any error. 

Medical Services While Traveling

Patients who need medical service during their trip can not get it through NEMT only. However, many patients need services, such as oxygen masks, wheelchairs, etc. They can get them if they request it before their trip. Therefore, it helps provide reliable transportation to their patients.

Why Do Patients Need to Book Appointments?

  1. Routine Checkups
  2. Follow-ups
  3. Routine Errands. 
  4. Psychological Health Service

Real-Time Monitoring

The best part about having NEMT software is real-time screening. You can track everything through this platform. Also, you can track your driver’s location and traffic updates. Due to route optimization, traffic-free rides are given to the patients. Because this service provides awareness of traffic conditions. Similarly, they ensure the shortest route for the patients.

NEMT Brokers

Nemt helps schedule appointments with healthcare providers. They are connected with national and regional brokers. Therefore, all these brokers are connected with top healthcare providers. In summary, the Broker connects NEMT providers with patients who need services.

Best NEMT Software Nowadays

There are many NEMT software that patients use. The best among them is RoutingBox. This NEMT software provides vast features. All these features help patients travel easily. This software has the following features:

  1. Live Gps Tracking
  2. 50 + brokers (national and regional)
  3. Sms Trip Reminder
  4. Optimizing Route
  5. E- signature Authority
  6. Billing
  7. Health services during traveling
  8. Scheduling Appointments
  9. Medical Health Report
  10. Fast payment Process
  11. Track Drivers Location
  12. Communication with Driver
  13. Digital Payment Methods
  14. Allows Trip modification
  15. User-friendly Software

These features help RoutingBox stand out in the world of NEMT Software. You can easily get these features using their user-friendly platform. 

RoutingBox Applications

There are three applications of RoutingBox:

  • Driver’s Application: This app will allow communication between the rider and the driver. Also, it helps provide the e-signature after you complete your ride. This signature will help you proceed with your payment process.
  • Desktop Application:  This application displays the upcoming trips and medical reports of the patients. They also provide patients with vehicle checklists and Route optimization.
  • Passenger Application: The passenger application allows you to assess your upcoming trips. Also, they provide you with live GPS tracking. Apart from this, you can easily modify your trip if needed. Medical services are also provided to the patient, such as a wheelchair. 

Nemt Software Pricing: 

If you are willing to start a Nemt software business, you need the following Nemt software pricing

  • Registering your NEMT Business in the United States for $725
  • The cost of the Ambulance is $150’000
  • Insurance or licence in $5000
  • The website cost is $600
  • Utility and phone deposit cost is $3500

The estimated NEMT software pricing is almost $350’00 to start a business. 

Charges For NEMT Services

The prices of the services can vary from place to place. It also depends on the services that you avail. The initial charges for NEMT services are as follows:

  • $25-$30 can be charged for the ambulance services initially. Then, you can increase your charges to $30-0$40.
  • For other services like wheelchairs or structures, you can charge a range between $45-$225.

To start with NEMT service. You have to manage these costs initially. After a few months, you will make a profit. Also, you can increase your cost with time. This will help upgrade your services. Nemt is the future. All the patients will trust this software to get reliable services. Also, this has helped patients to get the best health services. 


NEMT software helps provide the best transportation to patients. Before this software, it was hard to travel. The patient usually misses their appointment. Also, they find it hard to schedule their appointment. Patients who are elderly or disabled, find it hard to travel. Because they need medical services at the hospital. Unfortunately, local buses can not provide health services. To solve this problem, NEMT came into existence. NEMT brings the best feature to solve your transportation problem. 

Now, you do not need to schedule your appointment. NEMT will schedule or reschedule your appointment for you. They are connected with brokers. These brokers are either national or regional. Nemt software has your medical records. With the help of this software, they analyze your condition and book an appointment if needed. You get a reminder through SMS of your upcoming trip. That will help you check and modify your trip if required. While traveling, you can get other medical services, such as a wheelchair. You can easily easily get the application to get the transportation instead of waiting for local buses. 

Get an all-in-one feature through RoutingBox. They help provide vast services. These services will make your traveling easy and reliable. NEMT is the future now. Patients do not trust the local transportation for traveling. They prefer transportation that has a route optimized and provides medical services. They also prioritize paying online. Because this service is time-saving. Therefore, other payment methods are time-consuming and may cause problems. Nemt software takes your e-signature after completing your trip. That will proceed with your payment process. Try Nemt software and make your life easy. This software will help you provide hassle-free transportation.  


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