From Classic to Contemporary: Exploring Wardrobe Cabinet Styles

Wardrobe Cabinet Styles

As an intimate component of any home, the design of the wardrobe requires sensitivity to the tastes of the individual resident. With a vast array of designs and styles available to choose from, the process can be somewhat streamlined by differentiating between two opposing design styles: the classic versus the contemporary. The mere distinction between these two styles can unwittingly pare down the available options to a select few which you can then peruse for your final design decisions. Each style offers its own particular charm, and pitting the two against each other in no way implies the emergence of an ultimate “winner”. Instead, the idea is to help distinguish design preferences to arrive at a design outcome that reflects one’s tastes and preferences.

In the area of wardrobe designs in Dubai, you will come across a range of available styles. Keeping in mind your budget, your space constraints, and your preferred taste, you may lean towards either one or the other of these two differing styles.


A classic style of wardrobe cabinets brings to mind materials and designs of a more traditional vein such as ornate moldings and rich wooden polishes paired with classic finishes of a rustic brass or gold. With a focus on minute details and craftsmanship, the care and finesse that goes into such a style is unmatched. As a celebration of craft and manmade processes, you can find wardrobes in Qatar that feature a range of classical styles, from a more neoclassical touch to a heavily detailed, ornate approach. The hallmark features of a classic style of wardrobe cabinets are listed below to help you achieve your desired outcome.


Classical designs often incorporate detailed elements such as moldings and carvings. In many instances, these elements are hand crafted and require the specialized skills possessed by artisans who have been practicing their craft for many years. The intricacy and effort required in the creation of these pieces lends these wardrobes a certain elegant appeal.


A design that leans towards a classical tendency will demand luxury finishes like solid wood and the like. A polish finish that highlights the natural grain of the wood creates an organic touch, adding elegance to the appeal. Depending on the type of wood being used, the resulting outcome can be both costly and require constant maintenance, but the ends product will certainly justify all these challenges. 


Even though it has been around for many decades, classical design styles still live on, constantly being revived to appeal to new audiences. Certain details of design, such as the use of durable materials and the incorporation of elegant features like paneling and inlays, ensure that the resultant design will be one that stands the test of time. 


A classical design language allows you to experiment with the hardware being incorporated into the design. For example, ornate and decorative touches can be added in the form of sculpted brass wardrobe handles, and the like. Such elements also act as feature elements, creating a point of focus and adding character to a space. 


A contemporary wardrobe style, by definition, employs any number of advanced technological processes in its manufacturing and execution. The resulting product is one that would have been unattainable by craftsmanship alone. The inclusion of hi-tech processes sets apart contemporary designs by virtue of their seamless finishes and joineries. Contemporary designs lean towards a more minimal approach instead if an ornate one, and that distinction alone can help a client to narrow down their choices. Some features to look out for in contemporary wardrobe cabinet styles are listed below: 


In contrast to classical design, a contemporary approach boasts of subtle and understated details, with minimal finishes and clean, straight lines. Instead of adding on additional elements that serve the purpose of dĂ©cor, the natural qualities of the material are highlighted. Reducing the amount of visual stimuli, the core materials stand alone as a highlighted featured of the space. 


A seamless, contemporary design for wardrobe cabinets would seek to eliminate the need for any imposed decorative detail, even one as integral as a handle. Instead, there are a range of design options available where the handle is integrated seamlessly within the panel of the cabinet door, thus presenting a smooth, clean surface, as a visual treat for the viewer. Such styles are especially suited for environments where frequent cleaning is required, as such a design tends not to collect dust in nooks and crannies, making it easy to clean and maintain. 


Keeping in mind the pace of modern life, a contemporary design is one that seeks to adapt itself to the changing needs of its inhabitants. As such, modularity is an integral feature of a contemporary wardrobe cabinet. The ability to change and grow alongside the lives of its users is what lends contemporary design a timeless appeal of its very own. Such a design allows the user to alter it to suit their lifestyle at any stage of their life.


What would contemporary design be without the technology that makes it all possible? As such, certain technologies can be integrated into the design of your contemporary cabinets to create an ease of use, by accommodating multiple functions to streamline the use of the space. For instance, integrated smart lighting allows a degree of control and visibility that would be hard to achieve with traditional lighting fixtures. 


Instead of imagining that a certain design style is superior to the other, one must consider the appeal of both design styles and then, keeping all the relevant details in mind, decide which approach is better suited to their tastes. In this aspect, professional guidance can help to nudge one towards making a final decision. Get in touch with our design team to begin your journey of wardrobes in Dubai.


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