How to Format a USB Flash Drive

How to Format a USB Flash Drive

How to format a USB flash drive? This question at least once in my life asked me every computer user. Better to do it, transform it into a special file system, which was shortly called NTFS (written in Latin letters). But often the computer operating system is set up first so that the format of the flash drive differs. Only in FAT32 and FAT systems, which is a problem.

What to choose – FAT or NTFS?

A lot of specialists all over the world say NTFS systems. Are much better suited to use a memory stick and maintain its durability than the same system – FAT32. Therefore, if necessary fleshka- “saved”, format it more NTFS on universal systems.

How to completely reset a memory stick. We are a learning process.

  1. Before formatting a flash drive in NTFS format. Be sure to remember that after the formatting process, all data stored on it will be deleted. Therefore, all cherished videos, photos and other important documents, copy to other media. And even better – on a hard drive vaschego PC or laptop.
  2. Now consider the fact of the whole process of how to format a USB flash drive:
  3. Find the taskbar (for those of you who don’t know what it is. It explains – this is at the bottom left of the screen). Now you need to click “Start”, then – “setup”, then – “Control Panel” and “system”;
  4. After the above action you will see “System Properties”. You need to go to it and open a separate tab “Equipment”, after – “Device Manager”;
  5. Now open “Device Disk”, and you will see the name of the flash SIM itself. If the name you have forgotten or do not know, take a look out the window “My Computer” . It is sure to be displayed flash drive and give it a name);
  6. Double -click it, open the flash drive, and you will be able to see all of it.
  7. Now you need to open the “politics” tab and enable setting special switches to “optimize performance”. Now click “OK”;
  8. Close “Device Manager” and “System Properties” and think about how to Format a USB flash drive;
  9. Now open “My Computer” and right-mouse click on the flash icon;
  10. A list from which we need to select the action “Format”, and in the dialog box select “format” – NTFS;
  11. Format the flash drive in NTFS-format.
  12. And finally, we need to switch on the USB flash drive for the next mode, which is called “Optimize for fast safe”. How is it? Follow all the steps listed above, from the first to the fifth, included, and then under “Politics” (located in the fifth paragraph) set the switch to “optimize for quick removal” and click “OK”.

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Flash card after this format action in NTFS format.

Other ways of how to format a USB flash drive:

  1. Click the “Start” button, then “Run …”;
  2. Enter in a row with no symbol errors and the following Latin Alphabet: \ WINDOWS \ system32 \ convert.exe and click “OK”;
  3. Once the system will invite you to future work, write it carefully – C: \ Documents and Settings \ Administrators \ Type Convert \ fs: NTFS \ nosecurity \ x;
  4. Essentially the “flash drive letter” writes that, as shown in “computer”, next to the stick mark – for example, turn h;
  5. On the keyboard, press the “enter” key;
  6. Close the Task window.

So you learn how to format a USB flash drive. Answer: The main thing – keep in mind that all data stored on the flash drive can be lost, so do not forget to rewrite the relevant information – whether it be photos, reports, Jl, etc., on the computer hard drive ..

But there are, flash drives, which can not only quickly clean. How is USB flash drive format protected? It has been using this program-Alkor-m, Jet-Tul save Rickover and ashpi usb disk format storazh Tul (all written in English characters). These programs can be downloaded from the web. Having dealt with the same configuration as above, you are sure to format the flash disk.


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