4 Insightful STEM Holiday Activities For Kids To Encourage Curiosity

STEM Holiday Activities

What exactly is a cloud? What makes boats float? What is the mechanism of a car? You might hear 100 questions like these every day if you have a preschooler or kindergartener in your life. You may have found yourself wishing you knew more about the science of clouds, bridge engineering, or botany yourself—just to explain things—because little learners have such a wide-open curiosity in the universe.

Even though many young children are enthralled with STEM subjects (science, technology, engineering, and math), their excitement fades as they grow older. But, with STEM occupations making up such a large portion of today’s (and probable future) economy, it’s evident that stoking the fire is a good idea.

STEM holiday activities should be introduced at a young age since, in today’s information era, the capacity to create, be technologically savvy, and comprehend how and why things work together is crucial.

It’s not always simple to discover STEM projects for kids that an average parent or teacher can help with. 

Fortunately, we’ve done the legwork for you and put together a list of 5 simple STEM activities for kids that you can start doing as early as preschool:

1. Create A Website Using Html

Making a fantastic website is a fantastic method for kids and teens to showcase their ideas, creations, or whatever else they want to do with a bespoke platform!

Furthermore, developing a website incorporates STEM skills with a purpose. Kids can combine their interests and broaden their audience for things that are important to them by studying HTML or another web design-friendly programming language.

2. Make Digital Artwork

Your musician or artist might enjoy taking their talents to the next level! There are more opportunities than ever to merge the arts with STEM, whether it’s through their drawing, instrumental, or photography talents.

Kids may have fun being creative and sharing their beautiful creations with programs like Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, and digital music applications. Masterpieces take time to create, and winter break provides the opportunity for students to create something they’ll be happy to show off.

3. Spilled Oil

Why not attempt an activity that relates to real-world issues and which are also popular after school programs? Simply combine oil and water in a large container and add a few feathers to the mix for this exercise. Then give the kids sponges, paper towels, or small spoons and tell them to try to remove the oil from the water and feathers with them.

Allow the children to attempt to remove the oil without removing too much water. This exercise can be used to demonstrate how oil spills can harm the ecosystem by allowing students to examine how the oil impacted the feathers and how difficult it was to clean them from the water.

The basic parts of this game (mixing oil and water) make it simple to adjust the learning level based on the child’s age—oil is messy, so use caution with younger learners.

4. Video Of Stop-Motion Animation

Here’s a great place to start if you’re looking for a fun way to learn about STEM. We’ve all seen the entertaining stop-motion videos on the internet, but you’ve probably never considered making one yourself or, better yet, with your children. Your kids may learn about the technology of movie-making and produce a video customized to their likes and interests with just a few objects, a smartphone or iPad, and a stop-motion app.

As you might expect, there are a plethora of STEM holiday activities available for kids of all ages. You might be wondering where to get more age-appropriate ideas for the children in your life. Understanding early childhood development is a key part of that. You might be inspired to create a few activities of your own once you learn more about how young toddlers learn.


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