Is Hypnotherapy A Good Depression Treatment?


Are you familiar with the stage magicians or street magicians who can hypnotize people? Many of us have seen the stereotypical image of a “hypnotist” used to manipulate people into eating strange foods or clucking like chickens. Some people may have used hypnotism for helping someone overcome their fear of spiders or snakes.

Have you ever considered the possibility that this could help treat depression, provided it is done in the right hands of a licensed practitioner?

It’s true. It’s true. Hypnotherapy could prove to be a game-changer for many who tried traditional antidepressants or are currently doing so.

What Is Hypnotherapy? How Does It Work?

Hypnotherapy, an ancient technique of relaxing the mind to enter a state of trance, is a practice. The patient must use guided relaxation techniques and intense concentration to induce trance. With the assistance of the therapist, it allows the patient to observe and perceive their unconscious mind with no distraction or emotion.

This allows the patient to be open to discussion and suggestions, which allows for greater flexibility and freedom in addressing problems or bad habits. It can be used for a variety of conditions, including:

  • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  • Smoking/Drinking in excess
  • Addictions
  • Stress
  • Grief/loss
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Chronic pain
  • Phobias

Due to its trance-like state, Hypnotherapy can open the mind in a way that consciousness cannot. Hypnotherapy is not recommended for patients with hallucinations or delusions. The reason is that their hallucinations or delusions can cause them to create false memories under Hypnosis. This could make the treatment a problem rather than a solution.

Although some side effects, such as dizziness or headaches, were reported, they disappeared quickly after the session.

A session of hypnotherapy lasts approximately an hour and begins with the patient being in a comfortable position. You will be guided by a certified hypnotherapist through relaxation techniques that will relax your body and mind until you are completely relaxed. You will be asked to openly discuss your subconscious mind and look for contributing factors. They may also use the power of suggestion to help you change negative habits or behavior. Patients can also benefit from the power of suggestion to boost their happiness and improve their overall wellbeing.

To treat the underlying cause of the condition, other therapies can be used in conjunction with hypnotherapy.

Depression can be multi-symptomatic. Each treatment plan should be unique. It is not easy to personalize your treatment plan. Hypnotherapy could cut down on the amount of trial and error.

Consider Hypnotherapy To Treat Depression

Hypnosis for depression Sydney requires the ability to modify the brain’s wiring. This can sometimes be done using antidepressants. A common attitude toward depression treatments seems to be that the current treatment system is fine. More clinicians are needed to join this bandwagon.

Unfortunately, traditional treatments for depression are not always effective. The treatment of mental illness is not for everyone. Not all depression patients will benefit from antidepressants. Some sufferers may have horrible side effects like suicidal thoughts, allergic reactions, or suicidal thoughts. Other mild side effects such as lower libido or bowel issues, frequent weight gain, dry skin, dry mouth, and excessive sweating are not good for your morale.

The patient can access their subconscious through hypnotherapy, which opens up their entire mind. This means the therapist can treat the whole of the mind and not just the 10% that consciousness represents. It allows the underlying causes of depression to be revealed and treated along with any triggers. It is difficult to let go of the emotional baggage resulting from unresolved or deeply-buried traumas. Hypnotherapy allows the patient to use the power of suggestion to change their mindset and outlook. This can help them rethink their life and regulate stress and emotions.

Even if the patient can’t use hypnotherapy at all, it can help to manage and reduce symptoms of depression. These symptoms may include insomnia or other bad behavior that can worsen depression, such as smoking, excessive drinking, and drugs. We should not overlook other forms of escapism such as binge-eating or over-sleeping.


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