Marketing Campaigns To Maintain Customer Loyalty


It doesn’t matter what your business sells or does; you are going to need to market it. People have to know what you do and why they need your products and services if you are going to make any money, so marketing is a crucial part of any business plan, and must be budgeted for correctly. 

Something to bear in mind is that, although finding new customers is vital and will help your business to grow, you shouldn’t neglect your current customers while you’re doing it. After all, you’ve already done the hard work and persuaded them to spend money with you, and that means that, if you can keep them loyal, the profits you make from these customers will be higher than the profits from brand new ones, because they cost less to find. With that in mind, here are some marketing ideas to help keep current customers loyal. 

Create A Refer-A-Friend Program

A refer-a-friend program is a great way to make the most of the customers you already have and use their loyalty and customer satisfaction to find new customers at a fraction of the usual cost. In other words, it offers the maximum profit potential for your budget. 

A refer-a-friend program works by using existing customers to promote your business. They will speak to friends and family about using you, and as a reward, they’ll get some kind of discount or free gift. If you can offer the same thing to the person being referred, there is even more incentive to do it, and then that new person can refer others, and so it goes on, giving you an unlimited number of new customers, assuming you get the marketing right. 

Target Existing Customers 

You need to know who your target market is for any kind of advertising, and this usually requires market research. Whether you take the time to do this yourself or you hire experts, it’s a costly exercise in some regards. If you already know who your target market is, thanks to current and previous customers, that makes things a lot easier. You can use that information to create targeted campaigns that connect directly with those you know for sure will buy from you – because they already have. 

Use to send out bulk SMS information to remind customers that you are there, and to give them news about special offers and new products. This can work very well, as it’s an instant reminder of you, and it taps into their personal needs at the same time. Other ways to target your existing customers is to connect with them on social media, or send out an email newsletter, for example. 

Ask For Feedback

When you take the time to ask for feedback from your existing customers, you’ll find a wealth of information that will help you target them more successfully, and ensure that you are able to stand out in terms of not just what you sell, but your customer service as well. Imagine how it would feel if a company that asked for feedback actually acted on it; as a customer, you would be more likely to stay loyal, knowing they listen and try to make things as user-friendly as possible. 

That’s why asking for feedback is important and acting on that feedback – where possible, of course – is crucial.


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