Pixels to inches

pixels to inches
pixels to inches conversion is very easy in reducing the size of the image

How to reduce the size of the image without losing quality?  Pixels to inches conversion

For beauty taking a very good photo is superior. Being able to publish it on the social media, the use of a camera or a Smartphone with a large sensor is enough for good image quality and perfect pixels; it is however not easy to keep the same quality if we want this image to be published on our web page or our Facebook account. Here, we will discuss how you can change pixels to inches or inches to pixels of your desired image.

To be able to share an image on a web page or send it by email, You should reduce the size of the image or compress the image taken from a digital camera or high resolution smart phone. Free and paid software in the market allows you to perform pixels to inches or inches to pixels operations without losing the quality of the image.

Why reduce the size of the image?

A standard digital photo has an average definition of 4288 Ă— 3216 pixels for around 3.70 MB. This dimension does not allow sending by e-mail, or rather the loading time of the image will be too long and some messaging services do not take into account a file size greater than 1 MB. The ideal size is 603 KB for a dimension of 1601×1200 pixels. If the size of the image is in inches, use inches to pixels or pixels to inches converter tool according to your need.

For a web page, the ideal size to have a clear and precise image is 640×480 or 800×600 pixels. Above this dimension, the image will prove to be too heavy and the web page will take much longer to load. So, one must reduce the size either by pixels to inches or inches to pixels.

Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and other social media sources also have standards to respect the size of the images that will be published there. In the case of Facebook, which is by far the most popular, the profile image must imperatively be 180×180 pixels in size.

For its part, the cover photo must measure 851×351 pixels; otherwise, it will not be accepted.

How to reduce the size of the image by pixels to inches ?

To have a better representation when compressing the image, the operation required is removing the “sanded” or “grain” aspect of the image so that during compression in jpeg, it does not lose quality.

The second step is to reduce the resolution of the photo. An image with a resolution of 5 Mega-pixels will have a dimension of 2592×1944. Several software programs allow this resizing, but with most of them, the image quality goes down. This is the case with The Gimp software or XnView which presents the option of being able to resize a group of images with a single click.

You can change any of the values in the Image Size dialog box: pixel dimensions, physical size, or resolution. If you amend one value, you affect the others. The pixel dimensions are always affected.

  • Modifying the pixel dimensions impacts the physical size but not the resolution.
  • Altering the resolution resulting in the change of pixel dimensions but not the physical size.
  • Resizing the physical size affects the pixel dimensions but not the resolution.

Reduce a photo in Windows or Mac OS with Photo Reducer: pixels to inches

On the other hand, with Photo Reducer, you can reduce the size of the image up to 90% while maintaining optimal quality of the photo. It offers several possibilities (for sending email, printing in 10×15, digital frame, HD TV output, for the web). This software also allows personalized configuration according to user needs as well as a mass reduction option. Above all, it has the advantage of being free, unlike its paying competitors like the PixResizer. The following are the two free and easy methods that you can use to reduce the size of your photos. by pixels to inches conversion.

  1. Optimizing or reducing a photo in Linux with gThumb

Download and install the gThumb software

Then launch the Gthumb software with the command “gthumb” from a terminal

Crop an image with gThumb.

You will see a rectangle like button, click it. I:\SEO\www.stockmountain\redimensionner-rogner-une-photo-1.jpeg

Then, move the white borders according to the desired framingI:\SEO\www.stockmountain\rogner-une-image-2.jpeg

Resize an image with gThumb

Click on the button that looks like a double arrow, and then enter the new desired values ​​for width and height

pixels to inches

Finally, don’t forget to save this version of the image!

pixels to inches
  1. Reduce the size of an image in Windows with Paint

To make it easier to share or upload an image, you can resize it in Microsoft Paint. This software allows you to increase or reduce its size, but also to crop it. Increasing and reducing the size of the file keeps the original ratio while cropping simply changes its external borders.

First of all, create a copy of the image file. Go to the folder that contains the image, right-click on it, select Copy from the drop-down menu that appears, then right-click on an empty location in the folder or on the desktop and select Paste.

Without a copy, your changes will apply to the original file which will be permanently lost.

pixels to inches

If you have a computer with the Windows operating system, Paint will be your best choice for resizing images. Because, this is the Windows drawing software, which is also used to modify the cropping, to put in gif format, in png format the same image, or change the size of the photos.

Just in a few clicks resize your images:

  • Right-click on the image you want to modify, then click on “modify or edit”,
  • Click on “resize”, a menu opens,
  • In this same menu, change the dimensions according to your objective (in percentage or pixels).

To resize an image with a percentage, you have to calculate in advance. What the rendering will be so that it is consistent with your desires. This option has the advantage of keeping (or not) the ratio between height and width. So as not to end up with a distorted photo (photo course).

To change the size of my photos with the desired pixels, just enter the optimal size according to use, while taking care to check “keep the proportions”, on the same principle as the percentages. Click on “ok” All this on free software!

Then simply save the image to validate it, and be sure that it is well resized.

You must first transfer the photos to your computer for using this facility. 


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