Questions to ask a girl: what you might like to know about her

Questions to ask a girl

When you’re interested in someone you like, you might think of different questions. However, if you lack inspiration, know that you are certainly not the only person in this case! This is why today we invite you to discover our list of questions to ask a girl. It will certainly give you some great ideas!

What question to ask a girl to get to know her?

The first type of questions you might ask this person might help you find out. These are simple questions, which will allow him to present himself.

This exchange will help each other learn more about each other, and compare your possible commonalities. He will be very quick to answer them, and she will often gladly agree to indulge yourself if you ask her these types of questions!

1. What are your passions?

2. What did you want to become when you were a child?

3. What is your first thought when you wake up?

4. What is your favorite movie, song, singer,…?

5. If you could invite a deceased person to dinner… would it be?

What questions to ask a girl to get into the conversation?

Now that you two pretty much know each other, the questions are sure to come on their own. If this is not the case, we advise you to broach subjects which could interest you, and on which you would like to have his opinion.

In view of her previous answers, you will also be able to guess which subjects she prefers to talk about, and focus your questions accordingly. The key is to make sure that she doesn’t get bored, and that the conversation runs naturally.

ask girl questions

Among the possible questions, we have selected the following:

6. What’s your favorite trip?

7. What do you think of fashion?

8. What would you like to improve in your life?

9. In which country would you like to be there right away?

What questions to ask a girl to get acquainted with?

To get to know a girl, we advise you to tackle light and not very personal subjects. That is to say, not in his private life or his intimacy. Ask him questions about his current life such as his job or his hobbies.

10. What do you do for a living?

11. Where do you work?

12. If a failure book is successful, then is it a success or a failure?

13. Do you have pets?

14. What is behind your smile?

What kind of funny questions to ask a girl?

questions to ask girls

So if you think you are funny then it may be a good chance to have your daughter. Let her know that you can still make her smile and laugh.

Here are some fun questions to ask a girl to make her laugh:

15. What’s the funniest name you’ve heard?

16. If you ever become a man for a day, what will you do?

17. How long will you survive a zombie apocalypse?

18. Is it just your typical beautiful smile or are you just happy to see me?

19. If you are a vegetable, which one would you be and why?

20. If I could have a superpower, what would it be?

21. Would you make love in zero gravity?

22. What’s the strangest conversation you’ve had?

23. What don’t you like that some people really like?

24. What’s the worst thing you’ve seen on social media?

25. What is the strangest gift you have received?

26. Who do you think is the sexiest celebrity?

27. What would you do if a girl asks for your phone number?

28. Do you think older men are sexy?

29. If you could date any fictional character who would it be?

30. What was your favorite cereal when you were a kid?

31. Do you prefer ice cream or chocolate?

32. Do you think ghosts are real?

What questions to ask a girl you love?

The questions you ask a girl you love should help you get to know her better, discover her personality, her life and see if she can be a good fit for you. The aim of these questions is to find out more about her and her tastes. Be sure to remember his answers so that you can please him later with little attention. She will see that you remember what she tells you.

33. What is the best gift you have ever received?

34. What are you proud of in his life?

35. What would you like your partner to really appreciate about you?

36. Have you ever been hurt by a man?

37. When did you find out that Santa Claus didn’t exist?

Read More: 5 Hobbies to fall in Love With

What kind of questions to ask a girl to flirt with?

If you want to flirt with a girl you must ask her questions that will pique her curiosity and attention for you. Do not be rude or vulgar, the goal is to charm her by making her talk about herself and to show her that you are interested in her.

38. What is your biggest dream?

39. What is your man type?

40. What qualities do you like in a man?

41. Do you feel comfortable with yourself?

42. Are you seeking out extreme dating or flirtation?

43. What is essential to you in a romantic dating?

Read More: Can You Really Find True Love Through Online Dating?

44. What traits do you value the most in a man?

45. What is your definition of loyalty?

46. What’s the craziest factor you have executed with a guy?

47. What turned into your worst date?

48. What’s the primary factor you say whilst you meet someone?

49. What’s your concept of ​​a super date?

50. What’s the high-quality praise you have ever received?

What questions to ask a girl to heat her up?

To turn a girl on you have to ask her questions about her sexuality, but in a subtle way. This will allow you to better understand her tastes and thus be able to satisfy her when the time comes.          

51. What is your favorite position ?

52. What is your fantasy?

53. Are you wearing underwear?

54. What is the most unusual place where you made love?

What questions to ask a girl about her childhood?

His whole life and personality were influenced by his childhood and his upbringing. To really show her that you want to learn more about her, ask her about her childhood:

55. Do you have any brothers and sisters?

56. Did you have a pet? What was his name ?

57. What sort of childhood did she have?

58. What is your happiest childhood memory?

59. How are you near to your family?

What questions to ask a girl about her preferences?

what to ask a girl?

If you know what the girl you are interested in likes, and hates, you’ve already taken a big step in the right direction. These questions will help you avoid making mistakes in choices as simple as selecting a movie or where to go for the next date.

60. What is the best gift you have received?

61. What is your favorite movie / music?

62. What type of cuisine do you love?

63. Do you prefer some time to spend alone or to be surrounded by your best friends?

64. What kind of man attracts the most?

What questions to ask a girl about her outlook on life?

To know if you can have a romantic relationship, or at worst, at least a strong friendship, you need to know his philosophy of life. Is she an introverted or extravagant person?

65. What are you most proud of?

66. What kind of philosophy of life do you have?

67. What kind of person are you, spiritual or religious?

68. How would a perfect day go for you?

What questions to ask a girl about her friends?

Trying to get to know her better is showing you that you want to be a part of her life. You do not want to replace the people who are already around you, but you want to know what your place will be, if you start a romantic relationship.

You should also see if her friends are more important than her lovers and how much importance she gives to their opinions.

69. Who is your best friend?

70. Are your friends an important part of your life?

71. What do your friends say about you?

What type of romantic questions to ask a girl?

question to ask women

When two people go online, it’s a beautiful thing to watch. When a unique connection is felt, two people will share who they are and what they have. This is called romance.

So here’s a list of romantic questions to ask a girl:

72. What is the most romantic trip that makes you dream?

73. What song comes to mind and heart as you think of me?

74. What’s the best real love story you’ve ever heard?

75. When did you first fall in love with me?

76. What nickname / animal name would you call me with love?

77. What’s your idea for the perfect romantic gift?

78. What is the trait that first attracted you to me?

79. What did you think of me the first time you saw me?

80. How did you feel when we had our first kiss?

81. Do you prefer good conversation or good sex?

82. Do you think that you will one day want to settle down and have children?

83. Do you prefer a good hug or a good kiss?

84. What’s the perfect date?

85. What’s the most romantic movie you’ve ever seen?

86. What’s the best thing to have in a relationship?

87. What’s the one thing in a relationship that makes you happiest?

88. What are the memories between us that you like the most?

89. What do you think is the dream honeymoon?

90. Do you want a big wedding? Or just a little one with relatives?

91. Do you prefer to make love on a sandy beach or in the water of the sea?

92. How would you like a man to show his feelings towards you?

What questions to ask a girl to find out if she loves you?

To find out if a girl loves you, you need to ask her questions that will tell you if she appreciates you and that she appreciates the moments shared with you. Depending on their answers, you will quickly be informed on the subject. Otherwise you can always ask him directly.

93. What do you like about me?

94. What do we have in common?

95. Do you appreciate the moments we share?

96. Do you love me?

97. Is it too early to tell you how good I feel with you?

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What questions to ask your Crush?

ask girl about future

The questions you ask your crush will let you know if they like you and want to do things with you. You will also have the opportunity to learn more about her and her tastes.

98. What are you looking for in life?

99. What activities would you like to do with me?

100. What flavor of ice cream would you like to be?

101. What’s your favorite dish?

102. What is your favorite food you can never get enough of?

103. What are you most afraid of?

104. What are you most grateful for?

105. What would you like to be able to relive?

105. What do you like to do for your own pleasure?

106. What is the first thing you do in the morning when you wake up?

107. What do you have in your pockets right now?

108. Do you prefer to be warmed up when you are too cold or to be cooled down when you are too hot?

109. What’s the best joke you’ve made or heard?

110. If you inherited a private jet from someone you didn’t know, what would you do with it?

111. If someone gave you 5,000 dollars to fill as many people as possible, what would you do?

112. What is the innocent mistake you made that had dramatic consequences?

What questions to ask a girl about her future plans 

how to ask questions to girls

113. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

114. Do you want to travel or have a stable and peaceful life?

115. Do you want to continue working in the same professional sector?

116. Would you like to have children?

117. Do you think you want to stay and live here?

118. What is the biggest change you would like to make in the future?

What questions to ask a girl before you get into a relationship?

how to chat to girls

Depending on your relationship, the questions to ask a girl can of course be different. If you want to get into a relationship, it might be important to know a few things about her. This will allow you to make sure that she really likes you, and that your story has a future.

If you are not yet together, these questions can also be an opportunity to ask her what she thinks of you! If you feel a connection, there is a good chance that you can see clearly in his feelings. It’s up to you to check it:

119. What are your feelings for me?

120. How do you see our future in love?

121. What do you expect from the ideal man?

122. Before we go any further, you say chocolatine or pain au chocolat

123. Do you want children later?

124. Do you think about marriage?

Now you have all the cards in your hand to approach a girl and start the conversation to keep her interest in you as high as possible and get to know her.

What questions to ask a girl to get acquainted about her tastes

questions to a women

125. What was your favorite subject in school?

126. Do you still have a blanket?

127. Do you practice a sport?

128. What do you do in your free time?

129. What type of dance do you prefer?  

130. Do you have Netflix ?

131. Are you more of a romantic comedy or a horror movie? 

132. What do you listen to as music?

133. Who is your favorite author?

134. Has a book changed your life?

135. What is your favorite cocktail?

136. Are you more summer or winter?

137. What is your favorite color?

138. The place where you feel the best?

139. What’s your favorite board game?

140. What is your favorite dessert?

141. If you were a pizza topping, what would you like to be?

142. What film absolutely upset you?

143. If you had to eat only one thing for a month, what would it be?

144. What’s your favorite app?

145. The most beautiful place you’ve been to, where is it?

146. What would you change about yourself?

147. How would you like to be famous? In what way?

148. Where do you like to go for a walk?

149. Do you enjoy photography? Do you have a camera?

150. Have you ever experienced swimming in Eve’s outfit?

We’ve done a lot of the work with these 150 questions to ask a girl to avoid white people in a conversation. To conclude, when you get to know each other better and the relationship is established, don’t forget to ask her the question that the vast majority of women dream of hearing:

Do you want to become the woman of my life?


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