Some Tips on Buying Clothes for your Kid

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Though it often sounds exciting, buying clothes for your kid can sometimes be truly challenging! The reasons aren’t hard to guess. If your child is a preteen, he or she’s more likely to throw tantrums than you’d expect your toddler to do. Preteens and teens are quite choosy and fussy when it comes to making a decision with dresses. Therefore, your sanity is at stake if you’ve ever thought of planning to buy them an outfit. However, buying for infants isn’t completely a peaceful activity. The sooner you bring a dress home, you’d find your little one to have outgrown that dress—it’s that fast they grow! Well, so given the madness in making a choice, here are some tips for busy mommies and daddies to help them on their buying.

    Tip 1: Size matters when you’re buying for the toddler. They grow so helplessly fast that a 0-3 month size won’t survive their fit for long. Be wise and buy ahead of their current size. Go for a 6-9 fit. Exchange any such unwanted sizes with bigger fits.

    Tip 2: Borrow as much as possible as it’s not worth buying continuously for the fast-growing infant. Thus, used clothes are often a great idea, especially with sleepers, undershirts and onesies.

    Tip 3: Watch out for sales, discounts or online auctions at local stores to cut down the cost on baby clothes, which your infant would hardly wear for a few days or may be weeks.

    Tip 4: Always go for easy-to-wear and easy-to-open baby clothes, which the little ones can feel comfortable in and also the parents would enjoy handling.

    Tip 5: If you’ve two kids, try reusing the first one’s clothes for the second one. But in case you’ve one male and another female, keep aside the unisex clothes for reuse. The frocks for your elder daughter would not particularly look pretty on your younger son.

    Tip 6: For little older kids, you need to take a stock of their wardrobe before planning to buy their clothes. Sort your children clothes by season and separate out each outgrown dress for disposing of on charities and donations to make room for newer items.

    Tip 7: After taking stock, list out which kind of gear your child would need more for that coming season—school outfits, sports pants, kids prom dresses or just casuals. And buy accordingly.

    Tip 8: Take your child along if you’re unsure about its size or fit on a particular outfit or brand. Allow them to choose, but do not over-pamper your kids with the costliest clothes to the extent that they dismiss the value of money.

    Tip 9: Buy Child clothing that would suit your child’s personality. These can be instrumental in defining the appearance of your son/daughter/grandchild. Colors and cuts are therefore quite important.


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