Take Care Of Your Mouth And Teeth


Healthy teeth and gums will allow you to eat well while enjoying good food. Many factors can affect the health and strength of your mouth. However, it is important to take good care to keep your gums and teeth strong as you get older.

Tooth Decay

An enamel outer layer covers the teeth. Dental plaque is a thin film made up of bacteria that build up over your teeth every day. Acids produced by bacteria in plaque can cause enamel damage and cavities. The best way to prevent tooth decay is to floss your teeth and brush them regularly. However, if a cavity develops, New Image Dental’s emergency dentist will have to fill it.

Protect your teeth with fluoride toothpaste. You might need more fluoride if there is a greater chance of tooth decay. Fluoride may be prescribed by your dentist or dental hygienist during a visit.

Gum Disease

Plaque buildup along your gum line can lead to gum disease. Plaque can inflict on your gums and bone, which hold your teeth together. Your gums may become tender, reddening, and more likely to bleed from mild gum disease. Gingivitis can be easily treated with daily brushing and flossing.

Periodontitis, which is a more severe type of gum disease, should be treated immediately by a dentist. This infection can lead not only to sore, bleeding gums but also too painful chewing issues and eventual tooth loss.

To Prevent Gum Diseases:

  • Fluoride toothpaste is recommended to be applied twice daily to your teeth.
  • Floss regularly.
  • Routinely visit your dentist to have your teeth cleaned and checked. Discuss any medical conditions that you may have or medications that you take with your dentist.
  • Take a balanced diet.
  • Quit smoking. The risk of gum disease increases if one smokes.

How To Clean Your Gums And Teeth?

There’s a right way of brushing and flossing your teeth. Every day:

  • Gently brush your tooth on all sides using a soft bristle toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste. Every 3 to 4 months, change your toothbrush.
  • Use circular motions in small, slow movements.
  • You should brush carefully and gently along the gum line.
  • To keep your lips clean, you can lightly brush them or use a tongue swapper.
  • Dental floss, pre-threaded flossers, and a water flosser can be used to clean between the teeth. This helps to remove plaque and other leftover foods that a toothbrush doesn’t reach.

Rinse After You Floss

It may be difficult for people with arthritis to use a toothbrush. Here are some useful tips:

  • Use an electric or battery-operated brush.
  • Consider buying a larger toothbrush.
  • Use a wide elastic band to attach the toothbrush handle and your hand.

If you have gum pain or bleeding from flossing, see your dentist. A floss holder is a good option if you have trouble flossing. Ask your dentist to teach you how to floss.


Sometimes, false teeth (dentures), may be required to replace damaged teeth or teeth that are lost due to gum disease. Partial dentures might be used to replace one or several missing teeth. Initial dentures may feel strange. To ensure the best fit, your dentist may ask you to come in for a visit now and again. Your gums can change and your dentures may need adjustment or replacement. These adjustments should always be left to the dentist.

Dentures can cause you to have difficulty feeling hot foods and drinks or noticing bones in your food. If you can use your dentures for eating, it might be easier.

  • Start with soft, bland food.
  • Take small bites of your food.
  • You can chew slowly with both your lips.

Keep your dentures clean. Avoid food that may cause stains and bad breath. Avoid chewing hard foods as these can cause gum irritation and damage. Every day, brush dentures with a denture cleaning product. At night, soak them in water or a denture cleansing liquid. To avoid swelling of the gums, make sure you keep them out of your mouth while you’re sleeping.

Dry Mouth

A dry mouth happens when your saliva is not sufficient to keep it moist. It can make it difficult to eat, swallow and taste. A dry mouth can increase your chance of dental decay, fungal infections, and cavities. This can happen with many common medicines. Dry mouth can result from medicines such as high Blood Pressure, Depression, and Bladder-Control Issues.


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