Three Biggest Artificial Intelligence Breakthroughs That Will Shape 2021 And Beyond

AI training

The year 2020 and 2021 were not mere challenges to human and technological advancement. They brought a halt to human progress and a standstill was installed on the blue planet. But there were some sectors that kept progressing at leaps and bounds as they had artificial intelligence at their core. This is because artificial intelligence training does not require physical workstations. This is also the prime reason due to which Artificial Intelligence Training in Singapore has brought rapid advances to new and latest technologies ranging from autonomous driving to quantum computing. There have also been rapid advances in natural language processing and other important breakthroughs are also a direct consequence of artificial intelligence. Let’s take a look at these breakthroughs in deep detail.

Breakthroughs in vaccine development

Vaccine development is a process that takes at least 5 to 10 years to complete. When the pandemic broke out, there was an urgency to start the human trials as soon as possible. Various types of vaccine development programs were started with support from models powered by artificial intelligence. The main aim was to analyze a large amount of data in a short span of time.

Needless to mention, there are thousands of outer proteins in a virus and their rapid identification is extremely important for the development of targeted vaccines. Artificial intelligence not only helps in the recognition of these proteins but also helps in the sequencing of the entire genome in an automated manner. For instance, the development of the linear fold AI algorithm has assisted medical teams around the world in the prediction of the structure of the RNA sequence of the coronavirus in a short span of time. This process would have otherwise taken years and would have affected the progress of vaccine development. The algorithm not only helps in the development of mRNA vaccines but also helps in predicting the mutation in the virus.

New roads are lead by robotaxis

Artificial intelligence has led to rapid development and maturity in autonomous and self-driving technology that has led to the rolling out of a fleet of driverless cars in the year 2021. Various companies are presently working with robotaxi so that they are made available to the public by the end of the year. Different factors of human safety have not only been taken into consideration but other ethical issues have also been addressed. The only challenge that is left before the companies is the scalability and rapid commercialization of robotaxis.

Over the last few years, trial operations have been launched for the commercialization of robot taxi services in various cities of China and SouthEast Asia. This has yielded positive results and led to the development of fully automated driving with the help of AI training. The trial operations have shown that it is possible to reduce the large number of accidents caused by human error and also decrease congestion on the roads in the coming time.

To add to the automated driving capabilities, we have seen the integration of 5G remote driving with AI-powered systems so that robotaxis become one of the most cost-effective logistics services in the future.

The next level of Natural language processing

Natural Language Processing has become extremely important in the present times as data analysis of various aspects of semantics and sentiment have become crucial. Data processing of human sentiments and emotions helps in the comprehension of reading and visual patterns and the advancements in natural language processing hold the key to all these aspects. Natural language processing capabilities are extremely important for sophisticated chatbots and voice assistants as they are at the center of customer grievance delivery and response mechanisms.

With the help of artificial intelligence-powered systems, we are now able to train different kinds of models for content production of different blocks of text and even the generation of language. Artificial intelligence is now moving into prospective domains like query generation, dialogue engagement, and text summarization. Another important innovation in the domain of Natural Language Processing has been the human-robot interaction and comprehension of various acts of language, expression, and emotion. At the heart of natural language processing lies the ability to not only interpret the wide facets of language but also the context in which dialogue may have taken place.

Concluding remarks

The innovations in the domain of artificial intelligence are not limited to Natural Language Processing, autonomous driving, and vaccine development alone. However, these domains have witnessed great progress in the last few years and they are showing great potential to evolve at a rapid pace by harnessing the power of AI  technologies in the future.


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