What are the Positive Symptoms of Embryo Transfer After IVF?

Trends in Healthcare Industry

Undergoing IVF may seem difficult for someone unable to conceive naturally. But learning about the baby’s arrival using an IVF due date calculator can get any future mother excited and enthusiastic. It relieves them of the worry about whether the process went correctly.

After the successful process of in vitro fertilization, the newly formed embryo gets ready for transfer into the uterus. Once the implantation is done, the future mother waits for about nine to 14 days to ascertain the embryo transfer.

However, women may experience positive signs after embryo transfer due to the introduction of hormones into their bodily systems. So, it is necessary to understand the difference between the symptoms of pregnancy and those induced by hormonal changes.

Symptoms May Not Necessarily Mean Pregnancy

Specific pregnancy symptoms may occur in the female body after embryo transfer. However, these symptoms may not indicate a positive transfer of the embryo. According to endocrinologists, there are no specific signs to determine whether the embryo transfer occurred positively. So, you must take a pregnancy test or undergo an ultrasound to ensure that you have conceived.

The main reason for the occurrence of pregnancy-like symptoms is hormones. The administration of estrogen and progesterone may give you several signs of pregnancy. Some people may not experience any of these symptoms. Nevertheless, keeping a close eye on the signs and discussing them with a specialist is crucial.

Symptoms After Embryo Transfer

Here are some symptoms you may experience during the two-week wait after embryo transfer.

Excessive Vaginal Discharge

You may experience an exceedingly high amount of vaginal discharge in the initial days of embryo transfer. It occurs due to changes in hormonal levels in the body. 

Vaginally injected progesterone may also induce excessive discharge. It helps the endometrium, or the lining of the uterine wall, get ready to support the embryo.

Tenderness in the Breasts

Soreness and tenderness in the breast are the common symptoms of pregnancy. However, experiencing them in the days after embryo transfer could result from hormones. The reason again is progesterone. 

Injectable and oral forms of the hormone may lead to sore and tender breasts. However, if you typically get them during your menstrual cycle, it is likely due to the hormone progesterone.

Feeling Bloated

Bloating is a side effect of excessive hormones in your system after IVF. Many women experience bloating before the onset of their menstrual cycle. It also occurs during pregnancy. 

The culprit again is the high level of progesterone that can hinder the working of the digestive tract, giving you a bloated stomach.

Nausea or Morning Sickness

One of the common symptoms of pregnancy that occurs after four to six weeks is morning sickness or nausea. It occurs due to the high beta-hCG level in the body. 

So, you should not consider it a sign if you experience it during the two weeks after IVF. It may happen because of the hormones injected and taken during IVF.

Pain in Abdomen or Lower Back

You may go through periods of mild pain in the abdomen and lower back during the two weeks after IVF. Stimulation of the ovaries and thickening of the uterine line are two possible causes of the pain. 

Cramping can occur before the start of menstruation as well. It may also occur in the early stages of pregnancy.

Feeling Tired

Embryo implantation requires a high level of progesterone, which can make you feel exhausted. In addition, since your body is changing and getting ready to accommodate a baby, it requires more energy, which, in turn, boosts metabolism. 

Maintaining the lining of the uterus requires the hormone. It drains out the body, making you feel fatigued. It may indicate pregnancy or the time for the next menstrual cycle.

Excessive Need to Urinate

You may frequent the loo during the day or in the middle of the night to relieve your bladder. It can occur during pregnancy and when you have a missed period. 

Successful transfer of the embryo may also lead to an increased frequency of urination. It occurs due to the hCG hormone taken during IVF. It boosts the blood level in the body, causing excessive urination.

Spotting or Bleeding

Vaginally administered progesterone can cause spotting in the initial days after IVF. Hormones can also cause continued spotting, which you should not consider a pregnancy. 

You may experience mild bleeding midway through the two weeks after embryo transfer. It occurs when the embryo gets embedded into the wall of the uterus. It is usually a clear sign of pregnancy but may also occur due to hormones.


The symptoms of embryo transfer vaguely resemble those of pregnancy. However, it can occur due to the excessive level of hormones in the body, inducing pregnancy-like symptoms. The only sure-shot way of knowing whether you are pregnant is to take a test or visit a gynecologist.


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