The cost of a college degree is increasing, as is obvious. Tuition expenses only make up a small fraction of what students spend on college. Many students have additional expenses such as housing costs, lab costs, and college textbooks.
The average cost of a brand-new textbook is projected to rise to over $150 in 2022, according to the National Association of College Stores, making them one of the biggest financial burdens on the average student’s budget. Renting textbooks or purchasing used books online at such prices makes economical sense.
If you’re looking for ways to reduce the cost of your college textbooks, we have answers for you. Take some paper and pen and start taking notes now.
1. Buy used college textbooks
Online secondhand book sales are one of the finest methods for students to save money. This may enable you to obtain what you want at a far lower price. Ask whether using your student ID would enable you to receive further discounts, and keep an eye out for “Used” labels on books at your campus bookstore to obtain additional savings.
Additionally, you may search for used books in your local bookshop and online at sites like Amazon.
2. Rent College textbooks
Consider renting your textbook if you just need it for a short period of time or if you know you will only keep it once the course is over.
According to Robert Farrington, proprietor of The College Investor, renting textbooks may save you up to 90% compared to buying them new and 50% or more compared to buying them used.
You may rent the books you need from companies like and without making a purchase commitment or being stuck with a book you might later decide you don’t want. You’ll save some time by avoiding the headache of reselling your books when the semester is finished.
3. Use price alerts
Consider utilizing a service like Online Price Alert, which syncs with Amazon and notifies you when a product is available in your desired price range, in order to obtain the greatest bargain while purchasing books online. Just enter your email and the product URL. For 30 days or until the item is offered at your target price, your alert will be in effect.
You may save money by setting up a price alert, which will allow you to purchase at the best possible moment and get the most incredible bargain.
4. Go halfsies
Do you have a roommate or best friend with whom you are taking a class? If so, think about sharing a textbook and dividing the expense of a book. This approach can work, but it takes a little more preparation in terms of logistics.
To avoid sharing being a hassle when choosing this option, it’s critical that you and the person you’re sharing with can readily sync schedules. One benefit: You could already have a study partner.
5. Interested in Free College Textbooks?
Instead of choosing from the dozens of possibilities available and the ensuing uncertainty, we advise ordering your college textbooks from SolutionInn, absolutely free. The explanation is that they are giving away free college textbooks with no delivery fees. Why go through trouble when you can obtain it with so much ease?
6. Buy e-books
You can save money by buying your textbook in digital form, and it’s also easier to transport and more ecologically friendly. For a look at digital textbooks, visit websites like Barnes & Noble. When compared to the cost of a new paper textbook, digital textbooks can be substantially less expensive, and you won’t need to worry about storing or reselling them once you finish using them.
7. Check out the library
You might need to read novels or other well-known works for some classes. Try using the library’s checkout service in this situation.
You may save money by using libraries because everything is free there. Just remember to deliver your books back on time to avoid incurring late penalties. To ensure that you don’t forget, set a calendar reminder for the due date.
Bottom line
The cost of attending college can be high between tuition, living expenses, food, and other costs. However, saving money on textbooks is one of the greatest and simplest methods for college students to do so. Utilize these suggestions to reduce your spending and preserve more money in your pocket.