Grasping Lab Grown Diamonds
Lab grown diamonds have been steadily gaining traction around the globe in recent times. Despite the name, lab grown diamonds are no less “authentic” than the classic diamonds that you know. They’re exactly the same as the ones that come from the earth. The only difference is that they started out inside of a laboratory. A lab diamond’s optical, physical and chemical components are no different than those of an earth diamond.
Lab grown diamonds are produced inside of laboratory settings that are controlled. Scientists rely on a couple of widely-known techniques to make these kinds of diamonds as well. These techniques are called “HPHT” or “High Pressure High Temperature” and “CVD” or “Chemical Vapor Deposition.” They both enable scientists to come up with diamonds that resemble those that were mined directly from the earth optically. Beyond that, they’re equipped with identical physical and chemical features. Both IGI (the International Gemological institute” and GIA (the Gemological Institute of America) provide lab grown diamonds with certification.
The reality is that lab grown diamonds are no less authentic than their earth-mined counterparts are. Diamonds that were mined from the earth are equipped with clarity, color and size grades. Lab grown diamonds have them, too.
People cannot differentiate the two kinds of diamonds simply by looking at them. Their durability levels are the same. Their hardness levels are identical as well. Lab grown diamonds got a significant breakthrough back in 2018. That’s when the Federal Trade Commission acknowledged that they were “real.” These diamonds even test that way. The previously mentioned GIA organization has graded these kinds of diamonds diligently since back in 2007. Their identification reports ceased to mention the word “synthetic” in early July of 2019.
Again, it’s not possible for people to differentiate between the two kinds of diamonds using their eyes alone. Diamonds that were produced inside of labs are entirely devoid of nitrogen, a chemical element. Diamonds that are “natural”, on the other hand, have extremely small levels of it. Gemologists depend on nitrogen levels in order to be able to precisely pinpoint natural and lab grown diamonds.
Diamonds that are natural are made as the result of earth core pressure and heat that intensified for literally millions of years. After they’re mined, they experience cutting and polishing. Diamonds that are grown inside of labs go through situations that are similar. The primary difference is that they go through these situations inside of laboratories. They simply squeeze millions of years into several months total. They’re exactly like natural diamonds in that they go through cutting and polishing work in the end.
Lab grown diamonds are made out of carbon. This also goes for diamonds that are part of the natural classification. They’re the toughest material on the planet. Scratching a lab grown diamond is just as tough as scratching one that’s natural.
It’s not precise or correct to refer to a lab grown diamond as being synthetic. That’s due to the fact that they’re produced using carbon that’s pure exactly like natural diamonds are. The two diamond varieties have chemical setups that are identical.
The aforementioned HPHT is a technique that emulates the planet’s way of producing diamonds that are natural. Professionals put natural graphite inside of sizable machines that grind them down using pressure and temperatures that are intense. This situation transforms graphite into a stunning diamond.
The aforementioned CVD is a whole other ballgame. Seed crystals are little diamond seeds. Professionals put them inside of tiny compartments. They then pervade these compartments using heated gases. After the heated gases get to the correct temperature, carbon layers start to develop on top of the seed crystals. This specifically triggers the development of the seed. It triggers the “birth” of of diamond crystals that have distinct square forms, too.
People cannot tell HPHT and CVD diamonds apart using their eyes alone. The techniques establish authentic diamonds that physically and chemically are like their earth-mined counterparts.
Check Rare Carat
Are you fascinated by lab grown diamonds? The great news is that you can buy top-notch lab grown and natural options straight from the website for Rare Carat. These diamonds are affordable as well.