Real estate statistics are the complete detail of the exact position of the real estate as per the operations. This data will help the investors and clients invest in the right property at the right time. For example, are you searching for a house to live in? If yes, then you can go through this analysis and select the option that will be best. Let us get an idea of the statistics to get a better understanding of the concept of the real estate:
- The Average Price Of New Homes Is 13.5% High
If we compare the listed price of the homes, it has risen 13.5 % since March. In case we talk about metropolitan cities like the New York, this rise is known to be 9.1%. Therefore, this estimation can be used to conclude that the demand for the house is increasing, but the homes are not available. The Estate agents wapping will help the person with the complete data.
- Home Buying Power Keeps On Changing
Not only the prices of the houses have increased in past period but also income of people has been on the rise. Not only this, the loan interest the person must pay is relatively low. It can be seen that as the price of the house has increased with the common interest, the buyers have the option to get better quality of the house with the money they have.
- Houses Are On The Market For 38 Days
Even the analysis has shown that the average number of days the houses will stand in the market is about 38 days. In the traditional time, these days were seen to be more than the 38 days. As per the previous year’s report, a person can conclude that at the time of the summers, the sale of the house is more in comparison to the winters, and the work of the shifting is easy in summers.
- A High Percentage Of People Search Online First
In the current period, there has been a lot of technological advancement, due to which most people have shifted to this model. Almost 43% of the people first of all search for the online stores and then only select the agent after going through the reviews and other crucial factors. This will help people make the natural selection to reach the final results.
- 62% Of The Buyers Are Couples
In the 2021 report, it is seen that almost 62% of the people who plan to purchase the houses are couples as they are ready to live at a new place due to the circumstance of their life. However, they have to struggle a lot for this. This does not mean that singles are not purchasing the house, but the percentage is a bit low.
- 75% Of People Choose The First Agent Only
If the person plans a meeting with the agents after proper analysis, they will almost select the person. A low percentage of the people search for the second agents after they interview a agent. If the first choice is of a reputable person, then it will be the final choice.
- 76% Of People Use The Social Networking Sites
These days, Facebook is the best marketing tool people use to expand their business. For example, in the case of the real estate business, most of the people love to do the advertisement through the Facebook. The reason for use is that the young generation people are seen on Facebook.
These are some basic statistics that are related to the real estate agency. If the person keeps them in mind, then they will be able to make the natural selection.