Complete List Of Bathroom Cleaning Supplies

Bathroom Cleaning Supplies

Let’s be real. The restroom is a battleground. It’s the one room in your house you’d clean with your eyes closed if you could. Instead, we arm ourselves with elbow-length rubber gloves and a slew of disinfectant chemicals to confront an overwhelming army of germs. You do not want to be caught off guard in this battle!

Bathroom Cleaning Supplies List

Toilet brush – The toilet brush is essential for preventing germs from spreading and keeping your toilet bowl clean. Cleaning the brush is also a good idea once in a while! Disinfect it, rinse it, and let it drip dry before putting it back in the holder.

Toilet bowl cleaner — Scrub away by squeezing this around the inside rim of your toilet bowl. Consider using a toilet bowl deodorizer, which will colour the water blue. – if your toilet still smells bad after you’ve cleaned it.

Rubber gloves – This one is self-explanatory. The bathrooms are filthy. Use gloves.

Grout brush – You don’t have to scrub the grout every time you clean your bathroom, but getting down on your hands & knees at least twice a year is usually a good idea.

Grout and tile cleanser – Grout is great at latching onto any dirt or debris that falls on it. Use a heavy-duty flooring cleaner to save yourself some time and effort.

Vacuum or mop — You might be able to walk away with vacuuming more than a tile floor to pick up loose hair & toenail clippings if you clean regularly.Just remember to sweep the floor once a month at the very least.

All-purpose cleaner —Spray down hard surfaces like the sink, countertop, and toilet with your preferred all-purpose cleaner. Your bathroom supplies will be clean and germ-free as a result.

Glass cleaner —When people are continually wiping away steam & splashing water from the sink, it’s difficult to keep the mirror clean. Use a small bit of glass cleaner & wipe it away with a newspaper for streak-free results.

Tub and tile cleaner — This product is made to remove soap scum & mildew. To avoid water stains and soap scum from forming in the first place, we recommend using a little squeegee after your daily shower.

Scrub brush — Another scrub brush should be kept on hand for cleaning both shower and tub. A brush is far more successful than a rag or paper towel at removing soap scum, limescale, and hard water stains.

Disinfectant spray or wipes — Make it a practice to eliminate germs in prominent locations like the doorknob, flusher handles, and sink handles using disinfectant spray or wipes.

Fresh candle — Between cleaning and while in use, a favorite candle or potpourri helps keep the bathroom smelling fresh. Reed diffusers are also effective.

What accessories do I need for a bathroom?

  • Towels. Have you ever gotten out of the shower and realized you forgot your towel? 
  • Bathrobes. Purple bathrobes that are both comfortable and elegant
  • Toiletries
  • Soap
  • Mirror
  • Shower Liner and Curtain
  • Bath Mat
  • Wall Hooks


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