Everything You Need to Know About Commercial Brass Reloading

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Commercial brass reloading is a great way to recycle cartridges and brass casings, and it’s also a great way to save money. Instead of buying and assembling new cartridges, reloaders can reuse brass six or seven times, saving them a lot of money. However, it’s important to purchase from reputable powder manufacturers and follow their load data. 


Commercial brass reloading is not an exact science. You must consider the quality of used brass and refurbish it to make it feed reliably. You can use a reamer or other reamer-like tool to resize the brass. A good tool kit with the best price on once-fired 10mm brass includes several essential items that make reloading as simple as possible. You can also get a micrometer for measuring the diameter of the bullet. In addition, many reloading operations will require expander plugs and shell holders. 


While reloading cartridges for commercial applications is not the same as reloading for personal use, the same techniques are applicable. The first step to successful commercial brass reloading is choosing the right type of equipment. A reloading press is the most suitable reloading equipment for the particular cartridge you intend to load. You can select a single stage or a multi-station press depending on the type of work you’ll be doing.


There are many different materials used in commercial brass reloading. A reloading supplies kit will contain various presses, including a single-stage D frame press, progressive presses, and rotary presses. You will also need primer pockets, which can be reamed and swaged. An arbor press is the simplest type of press. It uses special dies and is typically preferred by bench rest shooters.

Choosing The Right Bullet

You should keep several factors in mind before you begin your commercial brass reloading. Choosing the right bullet depends on your needs and the reloading process you use. There are some tips you can use to make your task easier.

Inspecting Cases

Before reloading commercial brass, make sure to inspect the cases thoroughly. First, sort the cases by manufacturer, date of manufacture, and lot number, and check each for defects. If the case does not match the specifications, discarding it may be a good idea. Check the neck, head, and overall length of the case.

Cleaning Primer Pockets

Cleaning primer pockets before reloading is one of the most important steps when reloading commercial brass. Primers are susceptible to contamination and may not seat properly. A stiff bristled brush or simple scrapper is an easy way to clean out these pockets. A fine scraper will remove the debris and “crud.” The media, such as stainless steel, should be small enough to reach the pockets.


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