How is Ashwagandha helpful for men?


Ashwagandha  has several names like  Withania somnifera is one of the most popular herbal medicine according to Ayurveda and has numerous health benefits. It has a lot of beneficial properties and most important properties are its rejuvenating and adaptogenic properties. It helps in body rejuvenation , helps to build a good immune system, good muscular strength and endurance . It is a very effective herb in hormonal regulations, helps to decrease stress and anxiety etc. KSM66  is the most consumed type of ashwagandha 

It can be taken by both men and women but in men it shows some very effective changes 

Such as 

  •  It helps to increase the muscles mass and endurance and also boosts up immune 

Ashwagandha helps to increase the muscle mass and strength and helps to make a proper body built by also reducing the extra fat content in the body . Ashwagandha can be used as a supplement in bodybuilding. As it is a natural herb which has been used for so long there is no chance of hazardous side effects but may be very mild like Dizziness or nausea , if you feel something like that do consult your doctor before taking it in the right amount of dosage. 

  • Maintain proper hormonal balance 

It has been seen that there is a hormone called cortisol which suppresses the production and quality of testosterone. Cortisol is also known as stress hormone due which there are alot of problems that have been seen like weight gain in men , no mental peace , mood swings which ultimately affects the body functioning and physiology and due to which optimum testosterone levels getting decreased . Ashwagandha is one the best stress buster medicinal herbs which reduces the cortisol level inside the body and enhances the level of testosterone , increases libido in men etc. 

  • Ashwagandha also helps to increase fertility in men, increase libido and also help to solve the problem of erectile dysfunctioning 
  • Ashwagandha acts as a testosterone booster. 

Testosterone is the male sex hormones but also produced in females but with not so significant function 

It has been seen that in men it’s level is decreasing due to age , smoking , alcohol and also due to some other factors which ultimately  decrease their fertility rate. 

To solve this problem and to increase the fertility rate Ashwagandha is one of the bestest medicinal herbs. It acts as a testosterone booster and also enhances the quality of sperm. Besides these  ashwagandha benefits for men, there are more benefits for women as well. Ashwagandha also enhances the sexual pleasure because is consist of  aphrodisiac-like qualities, enhancing sexual desires by reducing the stress

Side effects of ashwagandha 

It has been seen that some people feel some side effects after taking Ashwagandha like headache , Dizziness , nausea , diarrhoea etc 

If you are feeling such consult your doctor before taking and also do consult your doctor if you are taking any other medications of some diseases like diabetes , arthritis etc 

  • You can take Ashwagandha powder and as well as capsules which are easily available in the market. 


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