How to write a perfect Swiss CV


Even though there are standard CV forms, their writing varies from country to country.

The Local contacted recruiter Rebekka Affolter from the platform, who gave some advice me writing a perfect cv writing services job in Birmingham, Switzerland, reports in Albanian.

How should I approach my Swiss CV?

See it as a snapshot of your career. Think about the qualities the company is looking for and the ones it emphasizes.

Can I write my CV in English?

Unless otherwise required, who must write the CV in the employment language? For example, if a competition is in German and the application is required in English, submitting your CV in both languages is a good idea. Just in case, ask for the help of a translator so that your CV is error-free. Also, attach the relevant certificate if you have excellent language skills – Switzerland loves certificates!

Do I need to include my Swiss work permit details or my citizenship if I don’t have a permit yet?

If you already have a Swiss work permit, mention this information briefly at the end of your CV (for example, a Swiss B Permit). If you don’t have a license, don’t mention it, but tell them your nationality. Remember that getting a work permit in Switzerland can be quite a long process for people from outside the EU.

How long should a Swiss CV be?

A Swiss CV can be up to three pages long, depending on work experience. Most people should keep their CVs to two pages. But if you have been in business for 20 or 30 years, then two pages may not be enough. So, don’t forget to highlight the main points – you can tell the other details during the job interview.

Does the structure of the Swiss CV differ from the American or British one?

CVs in Switzerland generally do not differ much from others in terms of structure. So, in a CV, you should include education, work experience, languages, activities, hobbies, and references.

Remember, the Swiss value a well-written CV, so be careful not to make spelling mistakes.

Should I include a ‘personal statement’ at the top of my CV?

Yes, you should! This gives the recruiter an idea of ​​your attitude and sets you apart from other candidates. You can write a short paragraph about yourself or show your vision at the beginning of the CV.

Should I include photos in my CV?

Yes, it is common to have a photograph. Unlike some countries in the US, Swiss CVs still include a photo. However, the image must be professional. Otherwise, it is better not to include it in the CV.

So is it essential to include a professional photo?

Yes, it pays to have a professional photo on your CV because, in most cases, this is the first impression people make of a CV.

Do I need to provide details of each work experience since graduation?

Try to specify recent jobs. If your first jobs are very early and not very important, there is no need to describe them in detail. It is essential to highlight work experiences relevant to the job you are applying for.

Generally, it is essential to tailor your CV to your target company and job.

How much should data be included? Date of birth and marital status? Leisure activities?

It is not wrong if you mentioned any of these. Ultimately, this information helps the recruiter get a clearer picture of the candidate and can be your advantage. Be specific. Do not include general activities such as sports or travel.

How should foreign qualifications be treated? Do they need to be translated?

They are often complicated when translated. Many expressions, such as Bachelor’s or Master’s degrees, do not need a translation.

What certifications should I include in my CV?

If you have multiple certifications, focus on the most important ones, and don’t mention every workshop you attended. If you have a few certificates, then say them all. But again, be sure to include certifications relevant to the position you’re applying for.

What is the most appropriate format to use if I submit my CV electronically?

Use the pdf format for your CV and compile the certificates into a pdf file. Otherwise, reading all the attachments that come with your application can be frustrating. Make sure files (document files) are no larger than 5MB.

Any rules about references?

You can add concrete references to your CV. However, you can mention that What can also add these as per the employer’s request. Usually, authorities should be at the end of the application. While giving references, list no less than two distinct individuals. Don’t limit yourself to past or current employers. You can include any client or business partner.

Finally, here are some quick tips for writing a CV.

Make sure the writing is clear, simple, and to the point. Emphasize the qualities you have that seem relevant to the job in question. Don’t be afraid to show some personality. Finally, use some social structure that makes it easier for them to identify who you are.


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