Learn More About Your Fertile Window With An Ovulation Calculator

Ovulation Calculator

Trying to conceive? But are you not able to?

You don’t need directions, but you might want some help figuring out when to have sex if you want to get pregnant. However, the real issue is how to tell.

You only have to give it a shot on your ovulation days. Due to the fact that sperm can survive without food or water for up to six days before being fertilised, the optimal period to “become pregnant” might range from a few days before ovulation to around a day after the egg is discharged. This is due to the fact that an egg can only survive inside the body for a maximum of 12 hours. In addition, an ovulation calculator can be helpful if you are unsure about your ovulation cycle’s timing.

Determine When You’re Fertile

If you know when your last period was and how many days on the average pass before your next one, the ovulation calendar can tell you when you will ovulate. If you want to know when you’re most likely to ovulate, subtract 14 days from your expected period date. The ovulation calculator then determines your viable window, which might be anywhere from a day before ovulation to a day after. Menstrual periods vary from woman to woman and month to month, so take these estimates with a grain of salt (typical cycle length is between 21 and 35 days). It may be more challenging to estimate without a calculator exactly when you will be fertile if your cycles are irregular.

Signs of Ovulation

Want to know when you ovulate but don’t know how? Here are several signs that you might be ovulating:

  • After ovulation, your body’s core temperature will drop before rising again.
  • Your cervical mucus will become thinner and clearer, like the consistency of egg whites, and easier to pass.
  • The cervix dilates and relaxes.
  • A twinge of pain or minor cramping could be felt in the lower abdomen.
  • Your libido may increase as a result.
  • It’s possible that there will be a few faint spots visible.
  • You may notice an enlargement of your vulva or vagina.

Pregnancy Tips From The Experts

Quicken the rate at which you might get pregnant. Here’s some advice to try:

1. Take a prenatal vitamin

Take the first prenatal vitamin at least a month before you expect to become pregnant for best results. Compared to women who only utilised fertility treatments, those who also took prenatal vitamins increased their chances of conceiving a child. This is not a foolproof method, but it’s worth a try if you’re eager to start a family as soon as possible.

2. Schedule Intercourse 

Try to time your sexual activity with ovulation, which occurs around the middle of your cycle. Also, familiarise yourself with the symptoms of ovulation so you can recognise them (so on day 14 of a 28-day cycle). Of course, it’s ideal for engaging in sexual activity on the day of ovulation, but determining that day might be tricky.

3. Quit Bad Habits 

Please do yourself a favour and give up smoking immediately if you are one. Infertility and pregnancy complications have both been linked to smoking. It is also recommended that pregnant women abstain from alcohol and consume no more than 200 milligrammes of caffeine each day.
If you want to ovulate, you should try the following methods. Check your fertile days with the help of an ovulation calculator.


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