Tips for Choosing the Best CBD Oil for Dogs

Best CBD Oil

CBD products have popped up just about everywhere. From creams and oils to gummies and soft drinks, humans can consume CBD in so many fashions. Cannabidiol, or CBD, is the compound in hemp that is associated with the calming properties of marijuana use. Some users have found that CBD products have helped to relieve stress and reduce inflammation. Recently, the use of CBD oil and other items has found their way into use for pets. Here are some tips for you if you’re considering giving your dog these products.

Consult with their vet.

It’s recommended that you should consult your primary care physician before taking any CBD products to make sure there are no interactions with medications. The same consultation should be afforded to your dog. Reach out to your veterinarian to get an assessment of your dog’s health and to find out if CBD oil or other items should be given to your furry friend, and in what dosage.

The best CBD oil for dogs puts an emphasis on the importance of natural ingredients that can be a boost in achieving the overall wellness of your pup. Some vets have found that a certain mg of CBD dose per day can help a dog deal with symptoms that trigger seizures. It’s also been used by veterinarians as a way of taking advantage of possible anti-inflammatory properties, cardiac benefits, anti-nausea effects, appetite stimulation, anti-anxiety impact, and potential anti-cancer benefits.

Be sure to check the labeling.

Whether you have a small dog or a big pup, the benefits of CBD oil and other products are possible, but it’s important to make sure you are giving your four-legged friend a safe dose of CBD. This starts with checking labels. Whether you’re giving your dog CBD oil or soft chews with the compound, make sure that the product is listed as either full-spectrum CBD or CBD isolate. Full-spectrum means that there is only up to 0.3% THC in the product. That’s the compound within the hemp plant that is the psychoactive agent in marijuana use. Bear in mind, this seemingly small amount can be enough to trigger side effects for your dog.

If a CBD treat is listed as a CBD isolate, that means you are giving a dose of the compound in its purest form. While some CBD oils for people are also given to dogs, it’s still important to read the label to double-check for ingredients that could be toxic to pets like chocolate, certain essential oils, and artificial sweeteners. Pet-specific oral CBD products are usually flavored with your furry friend in mind. There are products that have a bit more of a grassy taste, but those can be covered up with flavors your pup loves, like peanut butter.

Be wary of possible side effects.

Whether your dog is dealing with discomfort or nausea, you want to make sure that the dosage of CBD they’re receiving is a safe formulation that isn’t triggering a tremendous number of side effects. Dry mouth is perhaps the most common of the potential side effects, decreasing the production of saliva, which leads to increased thirst in dogs of all sizes. Lowered blood pressure has been linked to high dosage and potency. Drowsiness and calming effects are also associated with those higher doses of CBD.

Be sure to keep the size of your dog in mind, and be on the lookout for how your dog is reacting to a particular dosage. They may require a CBD oil or product of a different potency to make sure that they are actually receiving the benefits of the best CBD on the market. After all, you want what’s best for your dog’s health and what will keep them safe and well for years to come.

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