When it comes to choosing the right pair of glasses for your face shape, you want to make sure that they fit well. Sure, glasses are meant to aid you with your vision. But you don’t want to get a pair that looks and feels unflattering, right?
This article will give you some tips on how to choose frames based on different facial shapes so that you can get a better idea of what styles work best for you. But of course, you might want to find an optometrist near me who’d give you professional advice.
Round Face Shape
If you have a round face shape, opt for glasses that are angular. This means that the frames should be wider than they are tall. Try to avoid large, circular glasses because these can make your face appear even rounder.
Oval Face Shape
If you have an oval face shape, go for a frame that is more square or rectangular rather than angular. This will help draw attention away from the width of your jawline and instead bring focus up toward your eyes.
You want to try to keep the top half of your face looking balanced with the bottom in order to elongate it. Opt for smaller lenses on top with bigger ones below if possible.
Heart-Shaped Face
People with heart-shaped faces tend to have narrower jaws while their cheekbones are usually quite wide, which causes their chin area to appear smaller.
The goal here is to balance out your face by making the lower area of it look wider while slimming down the top portion with frames that are more round and wide at the bottom than they are on top.
Diamond-Shaped Face
Diamond-shaped faces tend to be narrow across their forehead and chin but wider through cheekbones, which results in them having prominent cheekbones.
To balance out this shape, go for glasses that are wider at the top and narrower on the bottom, with lenses that are smaller in width toward the middle of your face and larger toward outside corners. The idea is to draw attention away from your prominent cheekbones back into your eyes.
Triangular Face Shape
People who have triangular faces tend to be wide through their jawline but narrow across the forehead and chin, which causes them to look heavier around the neck area than they actually are.
You want to opt for a frame style that’s slimming, so try going with one with less space between each lens as well as ones where temples/arms taper off thinner towards the end. These can help make jaws appear more angular instead of boxy-looking.
Square Face Shape
Square-shaped faces are the exact opposite of triangular. You want to opt for something with more space between lenses and thicker arms/temples. Square frames tend to be slimming on almost every face shape, so this is a good choice if you’re looking to minimise your forehead or jawline.
You can also try adding in some color by opting for tortoise shell. Avoid black because it adds weight around your face, which will cause features like eyes to appear smaller than they actually are.
The right pair of glasses can make you look more attractive and can certainly increase your confidence. What’s your face shape? Have you tried any of our recommendations?
We hope that our guide has helped you choose the perfect pair of glasses to match your needs. But if not, feel free to contact us so we can address your questions or concerns!
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