What Health Benefits Siberian Ginseng And Medicinal Mushroom Has

Siberian Ginseng

For centuries Siberian ginseng has been used in many Eastern countries, namely China and Russia. It is also called eleuthero. The constituent in Siberian ginseng, called eleutherosides, vitalises the human immune system. 

The root of Siberian ginseng is being used to make medicine. Ginseng was used to thwart cold and flu infections and to improve the immune system. 

It is also known as an ‘adaptogen.’ It is assumed that adaptogens will strengthen the body to counter stress. It works wonders for those people who have to work in extreme conditions like extraordinary hot or cold temperatures. 

Siberian ginseng benefits

Cold and flu

Studies show that a particular product with Siberian ginseng and Andrographis minimizes the risk of severe colds if consumed within 72 hours of the commencement of the symptoms.


Free radicals get piled up on the skin when it is revealed to sunlight and other environmental pollutants at that time, Siberian ginseng removes these pigments from the skin.

Ginseng has minerals, antioxidants and many vitamins that are favorable for the skin. The components build new and healthy skin by eliminating dead skin cells. Siberian ginseng tea regulates blood circulation and purifies the blood. 

The leaves of Siberian ginseng make skin glow. It also works as a face toner. 

It also helps in the disappearance of dark and under-eye circles. 

Daily consumption of Siberian ginseng even cures acne and keeps the skin healthy.

Energy build-up

Siberian ginseng benefits the working capacity in the long term as it works as a tonic by stimulating the immune system. 

Siberian ginseng shields the body from stress and charges the cells by escalating alertness and visual acuteness. This further helps in concentration and mental transparency.

It is even popular among professional runners. 

Prevents hair loss

Research proves that ginseng is useful in the growth of hair follicles. It is used in many shampoos and conditioners for scalp strengthening and boosting hair growth. 

Chai recipe for hair growth

  • Roasted dandelion root    ½ cup
  • Cacao nibs                       ½ cup
  • Broken ginseng roots       2 – 4
  • Small broken cinnamon pieces  2
  • Vanilla bean into small pieces    1
  • Dried ginger roots                       3 tablespoons
  • Cardamom pods                         2 tablespoon
  • Whole peppercorns                     1 teaspoon
  • For flavor                                   Honey and milk 

How to make:

  • Mix all the ingredients in a bowl(except honey and milk)
  • Simmer ¼ cup mixture per quart of water for around 15 mins, but not boil the mixture
  • Now remove the pan from the stove and strain the herbs. Add honey and milk to taste.

Herbs like Siberian ginseng have so many health benefits. The same goes for the mushroom that has medicinal qualities. Some of these mushrooms are mentioned here:

Lion’s mane mushroom

The mushroom helps nerve tissue growth and helps neurogenesis. It also helps in the improvement of brain’s functions.

Reishi mushroom

It strengthens the immune system.  It calms the mind, reduces stress, improves sleeping patterns, improves lung and respiratory functions and balances blood sugar levels. It is even called the king of medicinal mushrooms. 

Chaga mushrooms

Chaga is used during skin conditions and stomach disorders. It has many health benefits as high antioxidants, improves digestion, and strengthens the immune system.

Shiitake mushroom

It has a tremendous effect on liver’s health and improves the cardiovascular system. Lately research has shown that it regulates cholesterol, and improves blood sugar level.

Turkey tail mushroom

Turkey tail has a compound named polysaccharide-K (PSK) that improves the immune system. In Japan PSK is allowed in cancer treatment. The mushroom has explicit the survival rate of people suffering from cancer. It also boosts the immune system of those undergoing chemotherapy.


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