In the 1990s, those who wanted to learn piano had no option but to look for a pianist who would train them. They would head to the yellow pages and also ask for recommendations from their friends and acquaintances. Once you have selected a teacher, you would commute from your home to the place where the teacher offers the training.
But right now, things have changed immensely because you will no longer be using the yellow pages. After all, the learning options that are available for those who want to learn to play piano have multiplied many times. Because of the availability of the internet, you can avoid the time of traveling, as well as the expenses that you would incur to travel to a piano training studio.
7 tips for beginners who want to learn piano
As a beginner who wants to learn piano fast, these 7 tips should help you get started fast and achieve your goals.
1. Learn your theory
Music theory may be boring, but if you take time to learn the theoretical aspects of music; you will find it fun and interesting to learn the piano going forward. With the right foundation of knowledge, you will be able to play your piano freely. Some of the basics that you will have to learn include rests, chords, note values, and grand staff among others.
2. Work on scales
Scales assist you to have a firm knowledge about the 12 key signatures. When you are playing scales, you will be learning which of the notes are flat or sharp within each key and your hands will be getting more familiar with them every time. Don’t worry about playing perfectly the first time. For you to achieve great mastery, you should go slowly, as your speed will increase with time.
3. Take a break
Let your piano practicing not become a full-time job. However, make sure that you are persistent and dedicated and if you feel that you are overwhelmed, you can take a rest.
4. Play a genre of music that you enjoy
Practice your piano using music that you love. At times, the going may become tough and you can have a reason to push ahead when you are playing music that you enjoy.
5. Go slow with your learning
When you are learning scales, you should go at a slow tempo. Firstly, you may be interested to learn the right music and the right mores, but this is not always the case. There will be mistakes which you will have to accept, move forward, and come back to correct.
6. Use technology to improve your speed
Many piano resources are available online and you should use them for your benefit. If you check video platforms such as YouTube, you will be amazed at how much resources are available for your use. You can use the web-based metronome tool to build your timing, and with other cool tools, you will find it interesting.
7. Express yourself emotionally
Learning a musical piece correctly helps to establish a new level of development in your learning. Hit the piano keys to share your emotions and as you play, you shouldn’t be focused a lot on technical perfection.