How to Prevent Scoliosis from Getting Worse?


If you’ve recently noticed that your clothes don’t fit right, that your shoulders or hips are uneven, you might have scoliosis. These early signs and bad posture are enough for you to go to a doctor to receive an official diagnosis and treatment. This type of spinal condition means that your spine bends and curves to one side causing changes to your posture and other health issues. The nature of this condition is progressive, meaning that if it isn’t treated it can progress as you age.

Different types of scoliosis

If you have scoliosis or you’ve just confirmed that your spine bends to one side, you can have one of four different types of scoliosis. Scoliosis can be congenital, meaning you were born with this condition. It can be neuromuscular, meaning it’s been caused by nerve or muscular systems disorder. Idiopathic scoliosis is most common in kids between the ages of 10 and 18. That’s why it’s also referred to as adolescent idiopathic scoliosis because it happens during adolescence or even before the age of ten. In this case, it is known as early-onset scoliosis. There is also the type of scoliosis that can happen at an adult age and it’s known as adult scoliosis or degenerative scoliosis. This type of degenerative condition can happen as a person ages.

What steps can you take to prevent scoliosis from progressing further?

The key to any health condition is to read the early signs and work on prevention. If you’ve been recently diagnosed, you should follow the next steps.

Make your diet better

A healthy diet rich in all the essential macronutrients is the key to a better life. Especially if you have any type of spine condition, you should enrich your diet with minerals and vitamins that will aid your spine, and not cause any type of deficiency. Also, being overweight puts additional pressure on joints and your spine, so a better lifestyle can be the first step to a healthier life.

Go to a scoliosis specialist

People who’ve been diagnosed with scoliosis are advised to visit a specialist who can tell them more about their type of scoliosis and the next steps. Even if it’s just mild and barely noticeable, you should have a consultation with a specialist. People in Australia are affected by scoliosis just like people and kids across the world, so they visit scoliosis specialist Brisbane or any other city is known for to get an expert assessment. You should also follow their example and get expert advice from a scoliosis specialist.

Physical therapy

A skilled physical therapist will work with you to alleviate any pain, manage discomfort and build a better range of movement. There are different types of methods and each treatment is effective if done correctly. So pay attention to how you perform each movement and commit to the treatment until you’re ready to exercise further on your own.

Get stronger

One of the ways to prevent scoliosis from progressing is to strengthen weak back muscles and build a stronger back. You need to strengthen your back, and your abdominal muscles and build a stronger body. Your goal is to stop the curve from progressing further, and by strengthening your muscles you can achieve that goal.

Scoliosis brace

If the scoliosis curve is 25 degrees or higher, then the treatment known as the back bracing might be recommended. Back braces are often used with kids to help with further progression of the curve. Braces are effective if they are worn for eighteen hours every day.



Surgery is the recommended option no matter the age if the deviation of the spinal curve is higher than 50 degrees. If the spinal curve has reached 50 degrees it can cause other health troubles, so getting surgery can be a solution. Of course, this is something that’s recommended in cases of extreme scoliosis. But, just like with any type of surgery, adopting better lifestyle habits is crucial for keeping the quality of life better after scoliosis surgery.

If you’ve been diagnosed with scoliosis, you should first team up with a skilled doctor to get the right assessment. Next, adopting an anti-inflammatory diet, and a healthier lifestyle filled with therapeutic exercise and strength training can prevent scoliosis from progressing. It can’t be cured but it can be prevented from getting worse.


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