What is the Comprehensive Assessment Done by Professional Home Inspectors?

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As a professional home inspector, your job is to evaluate and report on the condition of a property. Your assessments may include the roof, exterior, foundation, interior, electrical work, plumbing, and heating system.

You can become a home inspector by taking a course and passing a state-approved exam. In addition, you need to be knowledgeable about blueprints, architecture, and construction methods.


The roof is a critical part of the home’s structure. It is why it is the first part of the comprehensive assessment done by a professional like a professional home inspector Wichita Falls TX.

The inspector will look at the condition of the shingles on the roof, any repairs or patches, clear vents, chimneys, and properly working gutters. They will also check for the integrity of the penetration seals, such as flashing.

A roof shingle can last 25-30 years or may need to be replaced in 12 years, depending on the exposure, workmanship, and maintenance. Unfortunately, shingles do not have serial numbers or date stamps, so an inspector cannot determine the actual age.


A home inspector’s comprehensive assessment of the exterior of a house includes examining the foundation, the structure, the roof, and the siding. They will also look at the windows and doors to check for any issues that may affect the home’s integrity and the safety of its occupants.

They will also examine the roof to ensure it’s insulated and in good condition. It will help them identify any problems with the roof and give you a better idea of how much money it will take to repair it.

They will also examine the siding and exterior of the home to ensure that it is in good condition and properly inspected before the sale is finalized. It is a great way to get an idea of the home’s condition before you buy it! In addition, it can save you thousands of dollars in repairs down the road.


The comprehensive assessment done by a professional home inspector is a crucial tool that allows buyers to make an informed decision on the property’s condition. In addition, these professionals are necessary for buyers to know if any red flags could result in costly maintenance issues.

The inspector will look at every aspect of the interior. They will inspect anything that seems out of place or a safety hazard from the walls to the ceilings.

They will also check the insulation in the attic to ensure it is in good condition and has proper ventilation. If the furnace is in the attic, they will also check for any rust around it, which can indicate water damage or other problems.

A professional home inspector should produce a thorough, detailed report covering all the inspected areas. They should also include pictures to help explain any findings they made.


A foundation is part of a building’s structural system that supports the structure and transmits loads to the ground below. It is designed by a geotechnical engineer to have an adequate bearing capacity to support the loads.

A concrete slab foundation is a common type of foundation. These are the most uncomplicated and most affordable to manufacture and provide durable surfaces for floors.

But they are prone to cracking as the ground shifts. So a professional home inspector may check the exterior and interior to look for signs of settling.

The comprehensive assessment done by a professional home inspector includes checking the exterior and interior of your house for damage or failure points, assessing the structural elements, and making recommendations. Most companies will also provide you with a drawing and quote for repairs.


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