Top 10 Careers to Choose in 2022 if You Are in UAE

Top 10 Careers to Choose

Unlike any other country, the United Arab Emirates has the fewest people that aren’t employed. That’s why everyone prefers to choose the UAE for better employment options. According to research, 2016 to 2018, Dubai had the world’s lowest unemployment rate of around 0.5 percent. 

And even if we check out last year’s statistics, it says that even in covid Emirates was at 5 percent of the total labor force. This shows the region managed the crisis pretty well. Keeping up with statistics throughout the pandemic makes it the biggest job hub around the world. 

So, if you are looking for career options but don’t know where to start then this article might help you. Because we are just about to unleash better and bigger career opportunities for you. Oh and yes, just in case, you need to update or compose your resume to apply for jobs. You better hire professional CV writers or check out different firms like topcv to write a professional resume. 

But first off, let’s check out the prime career choices of the UAE 2022! 

Career demands in the UAE, 2022!

  • Information technology 

Information technology is not just the future of the world and everyone knows it. But the bottom line is, is it worth it? Of course. You just need to find out if this is what you want or not. If you are a tech-nerd and want to establish your career in this field then the United Arab Emirates would be a great option for you in 2022. It is one of the highest-paid jobs in many regions of UAE.

  • Interpreter 

Due to the diverse culture and language of Emirates, many people get troubled interacting. Therefore; interpreters are an essential need of the United Arab Emirates as well as many Middle East countries. If you are great at translating and have a good grip on different languages then you will be going to have so many opportunities in this field in Dubai. 

  • Digital marketing 

This one is for social media enthusiasts. Since there are so many new companies that are about to launch in the UAE, this is an opportunity for many job seekers. If you possess expertise in SEO and marketing then pack your bag and head to the United Arab Emirates. Because this is the age of social media where everything depends on it and if you think you are the champ of digital marketing, definitely give it a shot! 

  • Software engineer 

This is a significant chance for all those who have a software engineering degree in their hands. But you might want to start from an internship if you don’t have relevant experience. Because you are going to design software, therefore; you should be experienced enough. 

  • Human resources

Another most demanding and highest-paid position is human resources. They are the ones who hire and fire the staff and are in charge of handling the issues within the office. Even if you don’t have the required experience in the field, you can still start as an intern. Many firms offer HR internships for students and beginners.

  • Medical practitioner 

Who doesn’t need medical officers? Every place has different requirements for being a doctor. If you have done your MBBS and are currently practicing medicine, you should try your luck in UAE. Just make sure you hire a professional cover letter writing service while applying for the job. However, many people don’t think cover letters are essential but that’s not true. You need to present yourself in a manner that the recruiter wants to meet you.

  • Nursing

If you are related to the medical field being a nurse then you have many chances in UAE. There’s a huge demand for medical professionals not just because of Covid but in general. It’s been the most needed and demanded job in Dubai last year. 

  • Supply chain manager 

A Supply chain manager is someone who supervises the creation and import of raw materials that a firm uses. He needs to track every detail such as alternation, combining, and creating new products. This is quite a senior’s post with a good experience of 5 to 7 years and a degree in business, finance, or marketing. 

Also Read: Talent Acquisition: How to Optimize Your Strategy

  • Cyber security officer

Cyber security is a basic need today. Many companies are vulnerable to cyber-attacks. And all they need is cyber security that provides their firm safety. Companies used to outsource it but since the threat of cybercrime started increasing, they are now hiring cyber security engineers. Which brings greater job opportunities to Dubai. 

  • Teaching 

They say you need to be a teacher before you can be anything. So if you are in Dubai and don’t know what to do then apply to a school or college. It gives you leverage to study together or to learn different skills because it’s different from a 9 to 5 job.

There are always new job openings for teachers and instructors in the UAE. So, if you are looking forward to building a career in the education field, this will be a good start for you. Apart from that, it doesn’t only pay well but you can have other benefits too. 


Due to its rich heritage and modernity, it is considered to be the most attractive and versatile region worldwide. And if you are heading towards the UAE for job hunting then nothing would be wiser than this idea. 

Apart from finding a job and getting hired, you’ll get a chance to experience the rich heritage of seven different Emirates of UAE. While you work your way to build a career, you also get to explore the beauty and hospitality of this beautiful piece of land. 

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