Useful Tips to Improve Your Video Call Meetings

Video Call Meetings

How often has it happened that you’ve had an awkward or unpleasant video call meeting? Seeing as how this type of communication is used more and more, it’s essential to make the whole experience better. Here are some tips regarding your behavior and the technology you use that can help you improve your video call meetings.

Be on time

For starters, a standard for every meeting, not just those online ones, is being on time. Log in early to check if everything is working properly. Just find the test feature of the program you’re using to see if your camera and microphone are operational. Remember that everyone will see if you show up late, especially if there are not many people on the call.

Wear appropriate clothes

Then, just like you would dress appropriately for a face-to-face meeting, you also want to put on your work clothes for the video call. It can be tempting to just stay in the sweatshirt you’ve been wearing all day but put some effort into your look. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy; just pick something work-appropriate.

Get quality equipment

Besides the way you look during video calls, it’s also important that you have quality equipment that will facilitate your meetings. For instance, getting a better webcam is of the essence if the one on your computer or tablet is a bit outdated. You also want a headset or a dedicated microphone for the full setup. That way, you can eliminate background noise and boost audio fidelity.

Have good lighting

Proper lighting is crucial too. While you don’t have to invest in studio-quality equipment, it’s vital to properly position your light sources. For instance, don’t sit directly in front of the window or with your back to it. Try a few angles until you find the one that illuminates you properly. Moreover, you can also add a few fill lights in the form of LED light panels,  LED ring lights, and directional lamps.

Look into the camera

Another mistake many people make during virtual meetings is looking at their screen instead of at the camera when speaking. While you might be looking at the person’s feed, it seems as if you are not paying attention. That comes across as highly unprofessional, which is surely something you don’t want. Try practicing until you feel comfortable.

Frame the camera correctly

Something else that we often overlook is properly positioning the camera. Sit so that the lens is at eye level and that the camera shows you from the midsection up. Don’t place it too high in order to avoid everyone looking down at you but also make sure it’s not too high so that everyone’s looking up your nostrils or that you’re embarrassed by the unflattering angle.

Mute yourself when not speaking

You also want to mute your microphone when you’re not speaking. Even if you’re completely silent, microphones can still pick up various background sounds, like typing, sneezing, or even household members speaking in another room. As these noises can be distracting, remember to hit the mute button.

Use the right platform

To have a great experience, it’s also important where you hold the meeting. With that in mind, you want to find the right video conferencing platform for your needs. You want to ensure the platform you use is secure if you’ll be sharing confidential information. What is more, you want to make sure it offers various features that you will need for smooth meetings. Lastly, you want someone who is reliable and guarantees 99.99% uptime.

Go with a wired connection

Your internet connection will also play a big role during the meeting so it’s advised you look for  ways to speed it up. Although wireless connections are fast, it’s better to opt for a wired connection. No matter if you have a laptop or a desktop computer, simply connect to the modem or router with an Ethernet cable. That should ensure your meetings are not disconnected at the worst possible moment.

Pay attention

Finally, while on a video call, it’s essential that you pay attention to what is going on. Stop checking your phone or working on something else because people do notice and will think you are being rude. Moreover, research shows that multitasking isn’t all that effective.

If you rely on video call meetings for your work, it’s vital that you do everything in your power to improve them. Keep these tips in mind.


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